Thursday, August 7, 2008

Many thanks to Lina Eva for her beautiful painting (check her out on line).
Another beautiful day - to experience life, enjoy the bounty of dear Mother Nature and be caressed by our amazingly rhythmic breath.
To focus on the beauty, the bounty and the abundance - is where it feels good. The other - is not my friend - in fact, it robs me constantly of my peace.
So much beauty surrounds us - everywhere i look, i can see it. I need to be forever on guard for that thief, clothed in oh so familiar garb, i get tricked.
But there's no time for anything which doesn't vibrate with the highest vibration - all else is death and decay.
Sometimes - wanting to be 'polite' or 'friendly' we can be deceived - be alert dear human! Your time is short, and you have no 'spare' time to waste on this misery disguised as discussion. Protect your precious aura of divine life. Choose where your energy goes - shelter your heart, guard it jealously.
Time is short - we are here for such a tiny length of time - and the moments are ticking by. And - we're surrounded by and encased in such majestic splendour - all the time. That's what i want to experience in my life - i won't accept anything less - that's my birthright - that's why i came - to this earth - to experience the highest vibration - the pure experience of life.
So we are surrounded by so many vibrations - that come from near and far away. How do we protect ourselves from these vibrations - how do we protect our precious energy - we need to find that out - educate and inform ourselves - find out! Because it's our life - each and everyone of our lives - ebbing by with every moment.
The time is now - not tomorrow or the day after - only today can we do it.
Still cold down here in Adelaide - miss those sunny Qld days - but the quest continues.
lots of love to you all

Friday, August 1, 2008


Well - bl. . .dy intense energies today!
Tonight at around 8.15 pm the New Moon and total Solar Eclipse occurs. The energies are very strong at the moment so hold yourself close to yourself.

I can feel it strongly in my Solar Plexus centre - it's having quite an impact on my body.
Mars now in Virgo and Uranus still in Pisces are coming in for a showdown. They are approaching an opposition - that is, both sitting at opposite ends of the room projecting their energies with full force - to each other. A showdown, a meltdown or a dance? Which will it be?
Both Mars and Uranus have very 'active' energy - they both like to move things, create action, change and advancement. They can also both be very intent on getting their way - anything starting to sound familiar?
I know it is with me. This morning, my usual 'diplomatic and sensitive nature' erupted - I felt so angry that I wanted to change things with 'force'. Not a good space for people to be around.
I can still feel it simmering in my stomach - poor old stomach suffers for our inablities to express our anger and frustrations.
What we try to avoid with our mind and personality - our body gets full force.

Be very careful on the roads at present - this Mars and Uranus energy can ignite sudden and radical release of tension. I guess the thing is that the tension does need to be released - we do need to face our feelings, our frustrations and find a solution - give them voice in a more conscious way. Anything bottled usually explodes. And under this kind of energy, coupled with the extreme intensity of the Eclipse - we don't want explosions, do we?

We may feel an extreme urge for freedom and transformation. We just need to change things NOW - some issues cannot continue any longer - the time has come! Resisting and ignoring these urges does nothing it just means that all the 'changes' will come at us from the 'outside' - seemingly, 'out of our control'.

So let's be proactive - be the change, make the change and do it NOW - otherwise it's going to be more painful as it appears to 'accidently' happen to us.

So, as well as, expressing my frustrations and finding appropriate solutions for them - some healthy physical exercise will really help to burn off this extremely forceful energy.
Also screaming can help - as long as you don't freak out the neighbours - that's what i did this morning - kept the volume down thou - but i just wanted to roar with frustation - 'get rid of all this sh. . . t now!!!' I wanted to express.

I so often full into the trap of wanting to be 'nice' and not confronting an issue head on, or i approach ever so tentatively - so then it boils away in side and then along come Mars and Uranus and out it comes! Good really eh! It's most definately better out that in - as long as we always respect another persons space and safety.

So if you have already had an Astrological chart done - see where your natal Mars and Uranus are sitting - those will be hot spots for you at the moment. Also if you have any planets at 9 degrees Leo or Aquarius this New Moon Eclipse will be affecting you directly.
New Moon Eclipse - time to purge, purify and release and the time is NOW!
Only with the 'past' removed can the 'future' find a space to manifest through the 'now'.
To quote Astrologer Kelley Surtees
"What will you empty, literally or figuratively to create more space for creation in your life?"

So again, be very careful on the roads, find a space where you can let it rip - scream, sing, chant - get that energy out from deep within your Solar centre, through your Throat centre - freed into the air, to be transformed.

Don't forget - it is also a New Moon - which means the beginning of a new cycle - what needs to be released to allow the healthy unfoldment of this precious new cycle for you? What is dead and decayed - what needs to be thrown away, into the recylce, compost or just the old bin! Get rid of it - feels like my mantra of the time - JUST GET RID OF IT!

Only allow life and love, health and growth, today not tomorrow, now not yesterday - into your next cycle of life. This is your life, my life - each moment moving so gently by, never to return - what are we waiting for?

'Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today ' - a precious quote - one i'd love to remember every moment, every second of my life. Because one day our life will be over - and there will be no more 'todays' no more opportunities to experience the majesty of life, growth and awareness.
Time is very, very precious indeed - we cannot waste a second.

So - in the vibration of this very intense energy of today - i will direct my life consciously and with purpose - i will honour it and give thanks for it.

may the transformations available to you in this cycle manifest into reality.

lots of love to you all