Sunday, May 31, 2009

Moments of Magick

Today's the last day of May 2009 - only approx 3 weeks to the Winter Solstice, the longest day - midpoint for the Sun's journey around the globe.

The Sun still works in 'real' time, not techno time. We can go around the world in minutes, thanks to technological advancement and our minds are free to travel wherever they like, whenever they like - they know no bounds.

Technological advancement has created much good in our societies and most of us now rely heavily on it - like me now on the computer, communicating to you wherever you are! Someone may read this in Iceland, Russia or China, great eh! Or does it have it's flip side? I guess everything has it's flip side.

Whilst i'm communicating now to possible audiences around the world, my body sits here in Earth time. I'm influenced and affected by the cycles of the planets around the Earth i live on - most notably the Sun and Moon. My food is grown on the Earth, the water i need so desperately to survive comes from the earth. The air i breath is facilitated by the plants and trees that grow on the Earth. All of my loved ones live on the Earth. My house is mainly built with materials that are taken from the Earth. Babies are born from bodies nurtured and supported by the Earth.

So yes we live by Earth time too.

But it can be a bit of a schizophrenic existence at times - body in/on the Earth - mind and thoughts, where?

The mind is very alluring - it promises many things - some possible, some complete fantasy - what can we trust? Having a strongly aspected 'mental' astro influence i speak from experience. The element Air - in Astrology - represent the mental aspects of ourselves. The element Earth represents the physical, Water the emotional and Fire the intuitive and active elements of us.

Being a Virgo with a Moon in Capricorn makes me a double Earth sign and with an Ascendant in Gemini - adds the influence of the mental.

Astrology is a very useful tool for understanding our personal nature and why we operate the way we do. My initial impression of Astrology being a science and a wonderful form of Pyschology (back in 1960) still remains with me today. Within this area it can be very useful.

So having a strong influence of Earth i feel a strong connection with the Earth - i hear it, i feel it and i understand it. With Air on the Ascendant i often become seduced by the mind and what it promises to the detriment of my body. This is not a whole analysis of me here, just to give you an idea of it's connection to us personally.

We live in times where it's becoming obvious to most that the way we're treating the Earth is wrong - you don't need a degree in science to work that out! I believe that if we're abusing the Earth, than we are also abusing our bodies - the two are connected, physically and psychically. I also believe that if we start to look after our bodies we will also look after the Earth - they are made of the same material.

Living in a world where the mind has run rampant for some may be exciting - for others simply abhorrent. This is not the 1950's - where 'all is well', 'all is perfect', 'all is operating efficiently'. The veil of 'pretence' is falling rapidly - revealing the rotten corpse underneath.

Life is a wonderful and magickal gift. Mother Nature's kingdom is simply stupendous. She showers us with gifts constantly - she nurtures us, she sustains us.

We live in 2009 - how many of you couldn't even have conceived the idea of getting here? 2009 - only 3 years away from the heavily debated 2012.

But our bodies live in now time - live on earth time - so each moment, each breath we have a choice - do we choose life or do we choose death. Simple really. How do we choose life every moment, every day. How do we get behind sustainability, natural growth, wholistic evolution and creative and nurturing change?

We can do it, i know we can - we just need to remind each other and help each other along the way.

The planet Mercury is just about ready to move forward again - within the next few hours. He's been travelling backward since May 5th - so some of those frustrating delays should be moving forward very soon. And those things you seem to have mislayed? They should turn up! All personal matters put on hold or delayed should start falling into place. It's probably a boon that Mercury decides to do a backward tango every so often - even though it can feel bl....dy frustrating! As he travels forward with such speed at times (our mental facilities) - that it gives us some breathing space, time for reflection and review - before we finally move forward with our plans.

So get ready for all those things on pause to begin moving forward, quickly - you've been warned!

Neptune started moving backwards on Friday - just as Mercury was getting ready for his forward push. I was aware this was coming up and having Neptune as quite a significant personal influence - i was very curious as to how this would unfold. I've been very surprised. Since he's started his movement in reverse, i've felt so much more energy, clarity, enthusiasm and passion. I would never have thought that it would have had this affect. I won't bore you with all my mental meanderings and suppositions on the subject - but i will do some research on it - maybe for another time. As Neptune is a very powerful planet - he often appears hidden behind his misty clouds - his approach is definitely not direct - he is mysterious and incredibly subtle. Maybe he becomes more direct in his retrograde stage? All i know is that the influence has been sudden and direct - correlating with his movements - so will be interesting to 'uncover' the meaning. 'Uncover' is probably another word that could be attributed to Neptune - as he surrounds himself with much mysterious substance. He appears to hide, 'find me if you can' he taunts as he changes form again. Neptune has a very strong influence on our creative expression - now may be a super wonderful time to really get into all those creative projects you've been putting off. Neptune is stopping and sitting with you for a while - so his influence is strong. It can be a real ball with Neptune when you get used to his ways - so drift on and out!

Chiron - often referred to as the 'Maverick' of the zodiac and governing over the domain of healing - has also just started his retrograde stage. Chiron is a bit of an enigma - he's referred to as the 'Wounded Healer' - and his position in our natal chart refers to the personal place where we carry our 'wound'. We all have one, 'the wound that can't be healed' - but just in different areas of our psyche. It is not a physical wound but one which affects our psyche and thus our whole approach to life. Chiron's reverse movement will also bring him into our lives more acutely. Moving back and forward over ground already visited - trying to get a message across. Chiron is currently in the constellation of Aquarius so his message is for and about humanity. Where, in our own personal psychic wound do we affect the human family? How can we, by being aware of our own mortal wound, be a part of the healing of the whole?

The grand triple conjunction of Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter in Aquarius is significant indeed. It's all about the huge, magickal healing which is taking place on earth now! The coming together of these three giants is notable indeed. Such a magnificent play happening above us as we go about our daily lives - a grand performance, a brilliant orchestration. As is above so is below - we are all a part of this divine theatre.

So in the midst of some pretty 'heavy' influences upon us -come the trio of Neptune, Jupiter and Chiron. This of course always has it's 'healing' requirements - but overall such a shining 'signal' of healing times ahead.

Jupiter will also be beginning his retro period from June 16th.

So this trio is surely making huge efforts to get their message across - one way or another.
There's a Full Moon coming up on June 8th - in Sag - so let those dreams and visions soar - believe in them. With all the learning and healing that is taking place - take this knowledge to even greater heights - explore further the incredible opportunities that are available for us now.
Have great moments and may they always be magickal!!
lotsa luv