Sunday, August 30, 2009

My birthday coming up!

Just 13 days to my birthday - my journey thru the 60's has begun - thank you life!

Lots of 'processing' still occuring - that last New Moon was super powerful - grab the proverbial bull by the horns and get on with it!!! Life ain't waiting!

lotsa luv

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Mother Nature's looking incredibly radiant!

Early Spring in Adelaide (Oz) and so much beauty abounds!

Fresh new leaves, glorious blossoms, familiar Oz wattle and so much growth emerging everywhere! Such a paradise we've been given to reside in - such beauty!

The orchards in the Hills here are covered in masses of pink and white blossoms - how they delight! The creeks are still full from the abundant winter rains, the breezes still cool but the sun warming each day. Such an exciting time - Spring has begun and Summer is on the way.

Feeling a little tired and weary this last week - energies strong - and much is happening to people around. Great healing energy is available to us now - not the time to waste these precious opportunities to unravel the masses of stuck emotions lodged in our precious bodies. There are wonderful techniques available now to assist with this.

Dislodging and dissolving these chunks of stuck, confused and obstructing masses of undealt with emotions and trauma - is absolutely necessary, to experience real health and wellness.

Leaving these seeving masses of unresolved energy in the body - comes at a great cost - that cost is serious illness and disease - threatening the continuation of our journey here on Earth.

So the time is now - the energy for healing is super strong and available to us. Of course we need to do the work, take the steps - but great rewards are possible. The greatest reward, of course, to be able to continue our journey here on this amazing earth for as long as possible.

Loads of love and fun on your journey to 'betterness'.

lots of love to you

Sunday, August 9, 2009


lotsa luv

". . let it rot stillborn in our vitals!"

"For the first time I realized another naked fact which every artist must know, and that is in a man's work there are contained not only seeds of life, but the seeds of death and that the power of creation which sustains us will also destroy us like leprosy if we let it rot stillborn in our vitals. I had to get it out of me somehow"

Howling Thomas Wolfe

Friday, August 7, 2009


don't forget to check out my sister site Many Magick Moments - there's an article on yesterday's Eclipse
lotsa luv

How are you dealing with the onslaught of the Eclipses!

hi there!

Still in the energy of the 3 Eclipse 'Gateway' - how's it going for you?

"We were given huge energies and opportunities to cleanse and transmute - and now we're coming through the other side." Event star creations

During any Eclipse time energies are more intense - but a series of three close together surely creates an opportunity for all us to do some serious reviewing in our lives!

The world around us is changing my dear friends - faster and faster. And it appears, from where i'm standing that those in 'power' and 'control' of our little communities are trying desperately to save the 'sinking ship'. My dear friends it cannot be saved, and will not be saved. There are no band-aids or bandages big enough - no antibiotics strong enough to ward off the new 'virus'. This new 'virus' which is ferocious in it's attack on anything dead and dying. This new 'virus' which has been let loose by the great 'intelligence' to desecrate the decayed remains so that new life can sprout for a 'new age'.

Yes changes as mammoth as these, can cause some discomfort. When everything that we've grown to believe as 'normal' begins to crumble before us - what do we rely on?

Well lets get down to basics here! Who are we anyway? What are we? What is important to me, what is important to you? What do we really need to live a happy and fulfilled life? What are our real needs? What are our values? Could it be that we've become a little lost, become seduced by the promises of eternal life and riches? Time for a little rewind!

I believe it was Einstein that said 'the ability to be exhilarated in the face of the unknown'. Yes, as always, we do have a choice - as to what our focus will be. How do i see the drama playing out before me? Do i see the death and destruction? Or do i see the new life, the transformation and regeneration? I need to remind myself of that daily!

So back to the eclipse time we've been experiencing. It's been a big couple of years for me - and i'm sure i'm not the only one! And as i've most likely mentioned before, being a Virgo, the first place for anything to show up - is first in my body! Damn!!! Can never get away with it!
Funny thing eh! that the body is so necessary to be here? No getting around that one!

Like many wonderful minds have expressed - i too believe that the vast 'Intelligence' that which is the at the core of, and creates all life, is vast, all knowing, all pervasive and holds the space of infinite possibilities.

"Intelligence is all pervasive and infinite - it expresses the infinite organising power in nature" says Deepak Chopra "On a small scale it shows itself as the electron's willingness to behave - on a large scale the great accomplishments of human creativity"

"Not just our brain, but every cell in our body displays the same complexity of intelligence. Every cell perceives a world around it - everyone of them remembers the past and predicts the future in its biochemical response - and thanks to the DNA, every cell contains all the information that makes up the intelligence that is you" now that's impressive!!!!

So we exist within the realm of boundless possibilities - we create our life by what we think and how we project these thoughts onto the blank screen of 'our life'. We choose our life, our actions, our thoughts and our responses - we choose our health. I know that sometimes that can be a wee bit confronting - or it can be totally liberating. I choose the latter!

During the 'Gateway' of powerful energy - so kindly given to us to make the transformations necessary for our life now here on earth - my journey has been one of looking at what i've chosen, looking at how i can change the unconscious 'reactions', the unconscious creations. I've been recently re-introduced to Brandon Bay's Journey work - i can recommend it!

I'm ready to clean out the literally rotting corners of my hidden closets - the cancerous growths lying in wait in their crevices - how on earth can i be healthy with insides like that???

We have learnt to pay attention only to the outside of things - including our bodies! The trauma, the pain, the loss and the devastation need to be released from our cells - then true healing can occur - i believe this wholeheartedly.

So i hope you can use this special time to turn your focus inward, seek help in taking the journey to remove the decayed masses which have taken up residence in your very cells - health is not possible without their removal.

Thank you life, thank you divine intelligence, thank you creator - thank you dear teachers - thank you to all who love and care for me - thank you for everything.

Time for work dear ones - but this will not be in vain.

lotsa luv to you all


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

And just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water!

A great piece from Astrologer Ralfee Finn

"This week is the first in a series of weeks—nearly seven to be exact—of incessant increasing intensity, both personal and collective. I don't want to be an alarmist. And the news is never all bad or all good. But as the current celestial pattern unfolds, we are likely to experience escalating tension that culminates with the third Saturn/Uranus opposition on September 15, 2009. Saturn/Uranus contacts signify challenges to the status quo, particularly stagnant social structures, and thus far, this series has manifested as the dissolution of previously tried and true financial systems. And while some of us are clear that we are still in the midst of a paradigm shift that's likely to include further financial upheaval, many of us may be thinking we are out of the woods. Not according to the stars. "

I get the same 'sense'

Monday, August 3, 2009



Well folks we certainly live in concentrated times!

Our influential and insistent neighbours – the massive planetary bodies above us, are coming together to put on the play of all plays! Drama at its best!

Presently all of the outer planets are Retrograde – from our perspective here on earth, they appear to be moving in reverse. Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto and Chiron are all performing a nifty back step rumba – creating new sounds, new vibrations and a completely new dance.

I tend to think of the planets as being more concentrated when they’re in reverse – like they’re trying to make sure we get their message by going over the same territory again and again.

Having all of the outer planets retrograde at the same time can create a particular intensity – a concentrated form of energy – from them all!

Add to that – we’re in a particularly potent Eclipse year – 2009 has 6 Eclipses this year (the last one Dec. 31st actually occurring Jan 1 in Aust. and NZ) – a ‘normal’ year may only have 2.

This adds to the sense that
we are living in extraordinary times of change.

2009 is a significant year for change.

During the month of July – just passed – we had 2 eclipses and there’ll be another one in a couple of days – Wednesday August 6th 10.26am Adelaide, Australia time.

So what does that mean? Well, a number of things!

  • The symbolism (the astro sign in which the eclipse occurs) inherent in an eclipse can be a powerful clue to the evolutionary potential in an eclipse event
  • Eclipses have been used to time significant events
  • During eclipses our conscious intention – represented by the Sun - and our instinctive longing represented by the Moon, interact and one or the other take precedence
  • Eclipses are known for shaking things up
  • Eclipse time – a time for remembering and reconnection
  • Eclipses are said to create a vortex in the prevailing energetic imprint – allowing a glimpse of your future – if continuing on current path
  • Eclipses have a knack of speeding things up – bringing achievement of goals and manifestation of plans forward
  • Eclipses herald great change for both individuals and countries
  • Eclipse ‘energy’ can last for quite a long time
  • Etc etc

We are certainly living in heightened energetic times – we are given the choice to make the changes necessary for wholesome growth – both individually and collectively – or otherwise these changes will be made for us!

"Life transitions are waiting to happen and are placed into action during this period’ say astrologer Elsa Elsa and "what might have started to germinate during the previous 2 eclipses (July) needs to be strengthened and nurtured to completion"

This last eclipse of this series highlights the energies of Leo and Aquarius. Lunar eclipses clear things out from our lives, especially issues from the past.

"If we let go of something we need something to replace it. We need a new story" says Kathy Pagano and "This 2nd Lunar Eclipse within a month opens the door to release any left-over illusions we still harbour that life will go on as usual"

Lunar Eclipses support us in letting go of old habits, releasing the past, so that doorways to our new future can open.

Leo is the individual creative self – the centre performer in our lives – the player, the creator, and the director – the lover of life. Leo also challenges us with false pride and arrogance – the generation of the baby boomers understand this full well!

It’s time for new creations, new stories, new plays and new directors – ones which work with the power of their own unique creativity but focused on the group, the needs of all, the beautifying of the whole – the true Aquarian spirit.

This Leo/ Aquarius Full Moon Eclipse can shine the light on the path to individuals creating and contributing to the group – the human family – using our uniqueness and our inspired ideas.

This Full Moon Eclipse also falls on the special time of Lammas!

Lammas is the 3rd cross-quarter day in the ancient year. Cross-quarter days are the midpoints between the Solstices and Equinoxes.

Cross-quarter days are understood to be the most powerful energy portals in the year – and this one at the same time as the Full Moon Eclipse – all of this set within the most dramatic scenes, played out by our celestial neighbours.

And you don’t want to change? Think again! Resistance is futile.

At Lamas the psychological ‘alembic’, the vessel of individuation heats up and authentic creativity is at maximum potential.

The themes for Lamas are creativity and gratitude.

Lamas is a good time to take some time and focus on your creative projects.

The rhythm of the seasons runs deep in our bones – stop, listen and move in tune with the beat – this adds power and focus to our intentions.

So as we go about our daily rituals are we living consciously or walking in a sleep? Do we grasp the primordial power bestowed on us at birth – or do we favour the intoxication of unconsciousness?

So much real Magick is with us always – how can we open our eyes to see it? How can we move in its rhythm – how can we dance to its music – how can we see it all around us?

Definition of ‘Magick’ is ‘to make happen’.

How can you magickly create your life!!!!

Use the power of Magick that surrounds you – have a great Full Moon – create, create, create and watch it manifest before your eyes.

Love to you all

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Put on full screen and turn the volume up loud - and have a blast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I haven't enjoyed myself that much for ages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lotsa luv