September has arrived!
Thousands of tiny buds are bursting to explode with exhilarating life, magnificent colour, tantalizing aroma and forceful exuberance!
Spring is in the air - even here in Adelaide - albietly a little hesistantly - hiding behind clouds, confusing with wind and rain - but the buds won't be fooled! 'We're ready' 'and we won't be delayed'. 'This is our time' ' a time of joy, enthusiasm and growth' 'Time to celebrate the glory of life' 'here we come!'
I just love this time of year - it's my birthday month and being born in the mountains in Springtime - its beauty and symbolism have shaped me.
I've been gazing longingly at the beautiful Mt Lyndsay (photo above) which towers near my favourite little town of Woodenbong. I placed it on my desktop only recently and have absorbed it's beauty each time i open my computer.
The energy of the mountains has always lured me - called me. I hear their call, their song - i feel their stability, their nurturance and protection. I long to live near them - i will soon.
NEW MOON in Virgo August 31st 6am
The New Moon almost slipped by without my awareness of it - a Virgo one too! Well i guess Virgo can be pretty quiet at times, working away in the background. But i rarely miss a New Moon - so involved with the happenings of the time, i almost missed it! And what were those 'happenings' - body issues / health and service - right on!
Even though not consciously aware of her - there she was working away - colouring my thoughts and guiding my intentions.
Checking my journal entry at the time of the New Moon, her influence was obvious.
A "Fairy Moon" is often used to describe the 2nd New Moon in month - or a "Black Moon" - i prefer a Fairy Moon - most apt!
Jan Spiller refers to it as a "Power Day" - an opportunity not to be missed for making our wishes, focusing directly on our goals and the experiences you'd like to have manifest. And because our lovely Virgo cradles this Moon it's an excellent time for new starts in creating order.
Jan suggests that you hand write 10 wishes - this is best around the day before the New Moon and up to 2 days after - obviously the closer the better!
So it's a great time to move forward and begin projects you've been thinking of - follow your impulses and allow yourself the time and space to create new starts in areas that are important to you.
Focus your impulses and move forward.
Our dear friend Saturn sits close to our lovely Virgo Moon - his energy ever present. Saturn brings responsibility - thus emphasising 'Responsible manifestation of goals', 'getting down to work in a quiet, straightforward manner'.
We learn many things by practicing with focus and self-discipline - both Saturn's gifts - also self-control and concentration.
So Virgo and Saturn bring stability and focus - planned goals and action -step by step clear strategy, focused intention and orderly progression.
Thank you dear Virgo and Mr Saturn for your kind assistance.
Thank you Mother Nature for your continuing nurturance and to the Creative Energy for making it all possible.
A New Moon is a great time for having a personal Flower Essence created for you - Deva-line Flower Essences are here to help - email me manymagickmoments@gmail.com
to order some.
Flower Essences are powerfully transformative and divinely orchestrated. Containing the raw potency of Mother Nature's healing energy - they work in a very real way in our bodies - gently realigning our thoughts and thus our emotions - all of which affect our physical.
So a New Moon is a perfect time to use the potent energy of the Flower
Essence - i've seem them work wonders.
Essence - i've seem them work wonders.
I will attempt to put the Deva-line Flower Essence brochure onto this page - see how it goes (still finding my way around this site).
If not successful i can always email one to you.
Also - Astro readings are available - in person only in Adelaide, by email or post, written or recorded on CD.
Other modalities are also available in Adelaide.
Well bye for now and enjoy the delicacy of this beautiful Virgo Moon - let her assist you (what she loves to do) with your steps in manifesting your hearts desires and intention - let her show you the precise and ordered steps, the 'bum to seat', the practical application. And let dear Saturn teach you how to access the discipline and focus, the self control and concentration - so needed to manifest our dreams.
love to you all