The Full Moon is a great time for communing with the elementals - it's their time to party! Whilst pondering the approach to this Full Moon, i began writing. I could feel their presence. They always encourage me to love and nurture myself, see the beauty that surrounds me and let go of the fear which holds me a prisoner of the past.
"Look thru the eyes of gratitude" they remind me, "don't be afraid, we are looking over you", "the fears you hold are memories, memories of past trauma and pain - they don't exist now, let them go", "look after your body, this is important!"
We carry within the memory of our cells so much of yesteryear! Time that has gone, but the imprint of the emotion still 'stuck' in our body. So we act as if we are still 'there', somewhere in the past, reliving our memory.
But we are here now! So how can we clear our selves, our bodies of these 'cancers'? There is so many wonderful therapies available to us now to help us on this quest. Ortho-Bionomy* is particularly effective.
We don't want to continue living here and living in the past simultaneously, so confusing! Where am I? Who am I?
The Moon brings memories of the past as well as illuminating the present! So now is a great time to work with your body in removing those debilitating 'attachments'. Movement creates change and it also does this in your body. Your body needs movement to assist it with its innate ability to self correct. It needs to flow, it needs to circulate, it needs to rebound, it needs to follow on - it needs to be given the chance to do what it does best - self regulate! So why not make this the time to visit your favourite therapist and attend to those things that you've been putting off!
This Full Moon is in the elegant and harmony seeking sign of Libra. So a super time for 'balancing' those scales, correcting that acid/alkaline balance in your body, nurturing your kidneys (removing the fear) and giving those poor adrenals a break! So what acidic thoughts need to be chucked? What ancient fears? Where are your scales way out? Your body needs you! Libra is all about relationships - and the greatest of relationships, the one with yourself - and the one with your body, without which there would be no you!
So why not make this Full Moon all about your wonderful, loving relationship with yourself. A magnificent time to love and woo your body, listen carefully to what it says - how can you love her, nurture her make her feel the most loved person in the whole wide world?
The Libra/Aries polarity is all about 'me' versus the 'other'. A magnified time to look at how we balance these needs. We could look at this as our body and our mind - who gets the most air space here? Not hard to make a guess! So how about turning it around - what about, for the next week, giving your body first say, every day, every moment, for a week. Do you think you can do that? I know the minds noisy and we're so used to the sound of it's voice - and the body? What's her voice sound like? You need to be quiet and feel - feel what's happening, what is it doing, how does it feel, what does it need? It may take a bit of practice, but you'll get the hang of it, we've just lost the knack!
So a great time for healing! The chart for the Full Moon reflects this strongly. Use the powerful transformational energy around to create positive transformations, life changing decisions and a whole new life for you! These are powerful times in deed and this week with the presence of our glorious Moon we have a special time to focus - focus on ourselves, by doing this we can change the world!
So let's have a go and put our body first for just one week.
See how it goes - i'll get back to you next time!
lots of love to you all