Hi all and welcome - from one of Spring's babies - to our season of rebirth and new beginnings!
Just back from some 'Birthday Time' up in 'God's own country', as my Father used to say!! The glorious country of Nth NSW (Oz). From the ocean to the Border country beauty abounds!
Enjoyed the country hospitality of Woodenbong (only 15 kms from the Qld/NSW Border) and a couple of days on the gorgeous coast - first swim of the season!
We visited Tooloom Falls / Aboriginal Place, 'feeling' the presence of many before - a very special place! Kyogle, a country town, confronting the presence of new and old. Uki, protected beneath the magnificent Mt Warning - a pleasant scent of 'alternative' Nth NSW. Stopping for fruit, locally grown. The pockets of rainforest as we make our way north west - sadly only pockets remain. Remnants of 'vandals' everywhere, who came and 'raped' our land? Why is our thinking so uncivilized, so uninclusive of our dear Mother Earth?
But, as i've mentioned many times before - the time of reckoning has come. Those who think they can continue in their ways of raping and plundering - had better think again!
Revolution time has come dear friends - time to arise - give voice to the caring in your heart! Don't just stand by and let 'them' do as they want - 'cause the price has to be paid by us all.
So much beauty surrounds us - our home, this Earth, was given for us to thrive - it's time to wake up and quickly, before it disintegrates before our eyes!
There's no more time for putting off - 'tomorrow' i'll give some time - tomorrow, my friends never arrives - it's now or never to act.
So a paradise still surrounds us - albietly lesser and lesser each day. Each one of us given a body, a voice, a brain to operate with clarity.
So special thanks to the Creator of all for firstly giving me this life - and then a very special teacher of mine - Prem Rawat - revealed to me the 'presence of real life'. My parents who tried their very best to love and nurture me from the start, my ancestors for blessing me with their special gifts, so needed for today. My gorgeous son, who i adore, more special than he knows, my partner and cat for loving me and all my new found friends.
For all the experiences i've had in my life, at times i know they didn't feel like gifts, but they have made me the person i am - now it's my turn to give back.
I do feel a 'purpose', a time to act, a time to speak my truth - this is the time dear friends for us all to do this - this special time has arrived. It requires the very bestest of us all, all our talents and skills and uniqueness - to blend a very special broth - a healing brew is needed.
So let's come together and unite our strengths, this is required now - it's only ignorance and ghosts and shadows that appear, like a rising, powerful army.
Just remember light always wins, love will always conquer - darkness, hate, control and deceipt will glow in the fires of Pluto.
Everything is on our side - the planets around support us - the armagedon has arrived dear friends - but maybe not in the way expected.
Love and light, beauty and care, clarity and peace are our weapons - combined with our unique and individual skills will form the new peace army.
So put down the mags, get up from the coach, turn off the TV for a while - fortify yourself with wholesome food and nutrition, all your strength will be needed.
Keep the focus on love, keep the focus on peace - unite as a family together - comfort and ease, love and support is how we'll know our 'centre'.
So bye for now, talk again soon have a super new season - SPRING - TIME OF NEW LIFE - HAS ARRIVED!
lots of love to you all