Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Have arrived - am now sitting at the bottom of Oz. It's colder down here and not so much sun - new vibrations, different energies.
The first 3 days in my 'new place' was, as is often, different from what i expected. I guess i was hoping to leave 'myself' behind and just chill out, spending my time 'in a new space'.
Well - the best laid plans.

I guess it's impossible to leave ourselves behind - we go wherever we go. Even when a major 'rebooting' is occurring. I thought i could just leave 'the healer' behind and become a mum and writer. But there's always a process - from one space to another.

Writing hasn't been as easy as im used to - it's like i'm 'rebooting', programming my new space within me - feels a little weird. 'Cause can't just grab all the old familiar things - everythings moving, nothing is settled.
I thought this was just happening to me - but after reading on line this morning - i see it's familiar to others as well.
Karen - at - had some really interesting things to say.

"Allow yourself time for you - have a willingness to no longer make anything happen on it's own without you needing to be at the helm. We are rebooting - as well as getting ready for the next stage."

"The beating down of our old wall within and without which occurred over the past several weeks had a very distinctive purpose."

So Marilyn be patient and conscious.

Clarity has also accompanied me whilst entering my new environment.
It's so important what we surround ourselves with as everything contains energy - an energy field surrounds everything and is constantly communicating with us.

I was reminded - entering this new environment - just how acute my sensitivity to energy is. Particularly in times of immense change and transformation, we need to consciously choose the energy we want around us - as it directly impacts on us, whether we're conscious of it or not.

Get rid of all that clutter - it's making you sick and blocking your path.
Only keep around you those things that you really love - get rid of everything that's broken or no longer used. Create a brand new space for yourself - within this miracles can occur.
It's not always easy to let go - but what are we holding on to?
Time to clear the decks - a new time is upon us - a new 'me' is emerging - the old is crumbling, the new is birthing. No room for inconsequentials, death or disease - only life, awareness and consciousness.

We have a choice - we can choose our life, our environment (at least at present here in Oz), our reality - we can choose how we'll exist, what we'll do and what we believe.
We have choice - we can choose to be a conscious, healthy, awake human being - who lives to promote life, consciousness, peace and beauty.

How fortunate we are.

lotsa luv to you all

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