The Sun and Moon are coming together, uniting their incredible energy - for a simply glorious display in the heavens above us! What actually happens at a Full Moon? It's the phase of the Moon when she sits on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun - facing each other. So the hemisphere of the Moon facing the Earth is almost fully illuminated by the Sun. They are reflecting each other, joining forces, combining their strengths to illuminate the surroundings - the surroundings being the constellation in which they are visiting.
They are currently travelling thru the constellation of Gemini and Sagittarius. Gemini and Sag sit opposite each other in the zodiacal wheel - this is known as an opposition in Astro terms. Signs in opposition are often described as being difficult to deal with, as they actually 'oppose' each other. They do provide the challenge for 'balance', but this opportunity grants us the chance to meet in the middle, take our egocentric vision away from ourselves and look at what is facing us. How can we blend the energies of self with that of the opposite self? I've always felt that opposites actually have a lot in common, they just look at things from opposite angles - this can actually give them tremendous insight, which joined together can create a more expansive view of the whole.
So when the Sun and Moon come into opposition - a huge opportunity exists - to see a greater view of the spectrum - what an opportunity! I guess that's why Full Moons have been celebrated since times long ago. People have performed rituals around the time of the full moon in many cultures. Even in our modern culture, many of our institutions have become acutely aware of this time of the month as they record more heightened levels of 'incidences' than normal. Apart from all of that - they are just magnificent to behold. Nature seems to come alive, as the Moon shines her gentle, loving energy on all - things seem heightened somehow, as if her brilliant energy transmutes a special magick. I just love the full moons - i feel like i want to bathe in her special aura, dance with all the 'litte folk', and celebrate this majestic time.
It's a shame that our modern lives often keep us indoors at night, missing her brilliant show. Why not create your own special ritual for the next full moon - acknowledge her, honour her - in that you will be acknowledging and honouring yourself, as she reflects back all you give.
Gemini and Sagittarius rule over the areas of our lives involved with gathering, sharing and communicating knowledge whilst seeking an even higher understanding of that knowledge - to evolve us to a greater level of understanding and wisdom. Gemini has the skill, curiosity and interest to search and seek out myriads of pieces of information and data which she contributes to the 'whole'. Sag doesn't have a lot of patience with bitty bits - his focus is on the big picture - how it all comes together. He has an innate understanding that a higher knowledge exists and he can take all this data and expand it till he sees the 'core', the diamond of wisdom within it. This he loads in his bow and aims far and wide - so we can all see this wisdom, as it illuminates our path ahead.
So what can that mean for us? Well, where in your life do you need to take your mental meanderings and create a bigger picture? How can you us the tools of your gathered knowledge, the information at hand - and paint it out on the hugest canvas you can find. Often things look clearer when they're bigger!
As a cute adjunct - i've developed this painful red swelling on the very point of my nose - not a good look! My realistic, analytic mind told me that's what happens when going from cold to hot temperatures - and being winter, that's what's happening. Then i thought - what is it that's right in front of me, literally at the end of my nose? It's becoming exaggerated to get my attention. Because i can get lost in my mental meanderings - what am i not seeing - that is obviously clear to everyone! The body is a wonderful point of reference - always! I'll hopefully busy myself in front of the computer today, so nobody has to see what is obvious to them and not me (i can just feel it) - my red nose!
So what needs to be taken out of the caven of your mind and magnified onto the canvas of your life? A little exercise - just start to keep looking for the big picture in everything around you at present - move those eyes from the computer screen to the scene outside your window - what is all around you that you keep missing because your focus is too narrow? I guess we gravitate a lot more to Gemini or maybe that's just me! But wherever there is Gemini - there also is Sag - they come together on the one continuum. You don't get one without the other.
So how can we/i give the old head a rest, respect the effort involved with gathering all this information - but create a break, a space so that all this information can alchemize into a more wholistic form. Good time to do a painting or a collage - get out all those ideas and thoughts from the head and put them on a canvas, a display - so you can clearly see the picture.
Use this special time - so abundantly given to us by our precious Mother Gaia - to illuminate the vision that sits within you right now - waiting so longingly for manifestation.
Let her light truely guide you to the manifestation of your ideas and thought - create your vision, our beautiful Mother Moon is supporting you.
till the next time
love and light
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