Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Movement a plenty. . .but direction still hidden

We live in times of massive movement. . .
all our levels changing order

many feelings compete for attention

oh my god. . .where am I going
how do I decipher all the information

in this age of mass communication
can distract from internal dialogue
'cause only we know the reason

that we're here
and where we're going

so how to settle
the restless feelings
go here, go there
what is my purpose

many options
present their cases

move back, move back
return to the stillness
the private chamber
deep inside you

only you
know the combination
to unlock the wisdom
you have carried

for many, many generations

needs are simple
wants so basic
follow your voice
understand the language

ask for help
ask for guidance

the light will come
illuminate the pathway

happiness and love
only considered

a peace so deep
your being

I need to be still
I need to listen. . . .


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