Tuesday, October 7, 2008

October has arrived

"Flinders Ranges" by Lina Eve

with thanks

hi! Before beginning this months 'meanderings' I was reading over last months entry and what a surprise! My initial 'impulse' was just to get straight into this months without reflection on what has transpired. Words caught my eye as i moved along the lines -"responsiblity, manifestation of goals, stability of focus, planned goals and action, step by step clear strategy, focused intention and orderly progression". There were even more! "Precise and ordered steps, 'bum to seat', practical application, discipline and focus, self control and concentration".

These were words i used to describe the energies the September New Moon made available - in her Virgo and Saturn environment.

Looking now at that 'possibility' and what has transpired for me over these last few days is simply 'right on!'. It was if the words came to life and acted out their plan in such an unexpected way! Simply amazing!

I stand here now seeing the rewards of my actions - seeing the manifestation of my intentions - so very exciting! So worlds apart from just the intellectual 'knowing'. Positive and constructive change is possible it just requires our focus, intention, 'learning' and application/action.

It's particularly exciting for me to see the gifts, the potentials, the energy of our most beautiful, mystical Moon - and see them manifest.

Such a powerful source of life and nurturance surrounds us - our Mother Earth, Dear Mother Gaia - may we be open to the gifts and abundance she showers on us. Thank you dear Mother Gaia and may we learn fast the lessons before us - may we respect and honour you. The Creative Energy/Source of Life gave us life, the most precious of precious gifts and you have given us a home to live this life - we pray that we can honour this and soon!

Well - another New Moon slipped by - the Libra New Moon on September 29th. A pervading energy of beauty and relationship, encouraging us to focus our goals and become aware of our intentions. A great time for networking and relating - for focusing in on the most significant relationship, the relationship with ourself! A time for noticing what may be out of balance in our way of relating with others and with ourself. How can we better love another - how can we better love ourself?

Also issues of fairness and inequity will come to light, a time for balancing the scales. Also a time of love, peace and justice - how can we re-establish this in our communities, on our earth?

It's Venus time - Aphrodite will be present - her energy easier to perceive. Do you give her voice in your life? Do you allow her to manifest? How can you see the world through her eyes? Beauty and harmony, how can you embellish yourself in her robes?

The Libra/Aries polarity brings the focus of 'you versus me' - how can we accomodate you and me - space and time for us both. Not one over the other but 2 together - 'win win' for all.

Writing these 'words' - feeling and observing the beautiful energy of this New Moon - i see her manifestation in my life - so seemingly magickly! During the short week since she shone her magick - again these words have come alive and acted out my life's intentions. Is there just an incredible amount of magick around at present or am i just waking up - i suspect both!

With the constant magick that occurs in my life i'm always left with the same overwhelming sensation - the feeling of gratitude - for my precious life, my precious learnings, the incredible ones who guide and teach me and the divine divinity of this life. Again i am left humbled with that most magnificent feeling of gratitude pervading me - thank you, thank you for everything i am given.

Well i wish for you to stay awakened to the incredibleness that surrounds you and just keep taking those steps towards your greatness (inside you all the time).

lots of love to you all


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