This morning we share the abundance of our beautiful Moon's Full Moon energy.
Did you see her last night? Such a spectacular sight!
Radiating her fullness in the constellation of Aries - she showers energy and enthusiasm. She is no shrinking violet in Aries - as tender and nurturing as she is, she know what she wants here and will actively pursue it!
What is it that you want and how will you pursue it? The energy is available to you now to make those moves. The energy of Aries and his ruling planet Mars is active, very active. He's adventurous too and loves to have fun. He exudes an energy of child like enthusiasm and loves to make things happen! Where do you feel your energy is at the moment, where in your body does it make its present felt? How do you hold your energy, how do you express it, how do you save it?
This Full Moon can help you understand your energy needs. The Moon's energy has a lot to do with our needs, what we need to feel comfortable, where we naturally gravitate and what we need to feel secure. So with the Moon in her fullest manifestation and radiating the potent energy of Aries - our energy needs are are in view!
We expend our energy in various ways through our body, various ways through our emotions and various ways through our mental process. We are expending energy constantly. In Chinese Medicine ways of thinking we come into this world with a certain ammount of energy or chi - this is influenced by our parents, genetic influences etc. So it's as if we come with a certain container full of this stuff! And then we start to use it throughout our life. Bit by bit we empty the container - we revitalize and replace some of this used energy, replacing it back into the container. But some energy is lost and not replaced - this is affected by our life styles, our eating habits and our general state of physical, emotional and mental health. So energy is vital to our existence - without it we cannot exist! So how do we use our energy? How do we conserve it? How do we spend it?
Everything in this life is created from energy - behind every form is energy - energy is the life force behind all of creation. So this Full Moon is particularly significant because how we use our energy effects everything in our life - every part of our life here on earth. How we maintain and care for our energy is very important to our survival individually and collectively.
I started this article looking for a picture that 'jumped out' at me. I went through many, none seeming to have a significant connection to the present Full Moon energy. I kept being attracted to the many beach scenes I've taken photos of over the years - I love the ocean. My mental chatter kept 'advising' me that the beach had nothing to do with the energy of the Full Moon in Aries! That mental chatter can be a real trickster at times! Of course the ocean and beach speaks an energetic language to me - it reminds me of how I replenished my energy, how I soothed my energy, how I fed my energy and how I relaxed my energy. The beach to me is all about energy! It restores my energy in a way nothing else does. Nature does that for me constantly - but it seems when I've allowed my energy to deplete to a dangerous level - the ocean's medicine is powerfully and instantly effective. So for me this beautiful Moon is showing me, vividly, where the level of my 'container' sits - is it normal, below normal or in the 'dangerous zone', so very, very kind is our dear Mother Nature always there for us, constantly communicating with us, her sole purpose, for us to survive here on Mother Earth. She puts up the mirror so we can see ourselves and she quietens us so we can hear our inner voice - our inner knowing and wisdom that always knows what we need to do to be safe and well.
Each sign of the zodiac shares a 'line' of existence with another sign - Aries shares the space with Libra. So Libra's influence will also be present with this Full Moon. Libra's charm and grace, her love of beauty and harmony, her diplomacy and tact and her focus on relationships.
So how will we instigate the individual energy available to us? Will we use it with harmony and grace, beauty and harmony with consideration for the 'other'? Will we think of 'us' not just 'me'? Will we use this precious energy of life to create a healthy and complete 'I' to work withing a sharing, caring and harmonious 'us'?
As always we have choice, we have this magnificent life for such a short time, leaving day by day. How do we choose to use our predious energy, how will we care for this precious energy - how will be care for ourselves? How will we care for our communities? How will we care for our World - our Mother Earth? It all comes back to our dear friend Aries support in how will we care for ourself? From that all else can occur.
Emerse yourself deeply in Mother Natures abundantly giving nature - use the gifts she so generously showers to be happy, healthy and internally fulfilled.
May the bounty of life complete you!
Don't forget the powerfully effective Deva-line Flower Essences are still available as well as Astrology Readings by contacting me on 0413 442 808 (Australia) or emaill manymagickmoments@gmail.com
lots of love
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