Much love and the bestest of wishes to you all for a wonderful 2009!
Boy! What a year it was - 2008 - i think it would have to go down in the history books - of the world - and of our psyches.
For me i can pinpoint the time the changes began - it was during the amazing Eclipses in August/September 2007. This Eclipse aspected my own Astrological Chart intensely. I remember the time clearly. I was down in the little village of Woodenbong, just 15 kms from the NSW & QLD border. Such a lovely little village, guarded and protected by Mt Lyndsay, Mt Barney and Mt Clooney (as well as others near by). The area has a very gentle healing energy for me - i believe much can be achieved there. Anyway i was there for the Eclipse and man what an incredible experience it was. At any time on a clear night - the sky there is like a diamond studded velvet blanket - so many stars, it's breathtaking. But on this night Mother Nature had a spectacular show in store. I sat and watched this incredible sky as the Moon slowly morphed from its glowing radiant self to a fiery red ball. The energy everywhere changed - such a powerful transformation was taking place - such an amazing sight to witness. I thought ' i wonder how all the stars and planets are feeling' as they were washed with these powerful energetic waves.
The next morning i could feel the change within myself - i felt lighter somehow, as if some change had taken place within me. I wondered how everything else felt - the birds (of which there are many in the mornings in Woodenbong), the trees, the flowers, the cows, the sheep, the goats - i wondered how they all felt - 'cause surely they could not be the same after that momentus event.' I thought - 'nothing is the same now - its all been changed'.
That was 2007 - almost 18mths ago - and what an 18mths it's been!
It's now January 2009 and the time for dealing with these changes is before us. As humans, we 'don't do' change so well. We think we do, but we really fear it. We like to think of ourselves as 'flexible' - well 'as long as everything stays as i like it' then i can be flexible in my thinking - i can be 'open minded' just as long as nothing changes on the outside - 'just don't touch my things'!
Well folks - we're about to be stretched - how flexible are we really?
During the Eclipse period that i spoke of - was also the beginning of my second Saturn Return. This is the time when Saturn returns to it's natal placement - only happening approx every 30 yrs. Around 28-30 and 59-60. It's a time of reckoning - Saturn can be a bit heavy handed when he's intent on something. And at these times you're asked 'what are you doing?' "Are you doing what you're meant to be doing? "Have you put things in place" "Have you set up your foundations for the next stage of your life?" "Are you honouring your life?" "Are you being 'real'"? Saturn can be slow, heavy and strict - he's the 'bones' of your life - the 'structure' - and these need to be solid and secure, correct and exact - so his rules are definate and precise - there's no bending them.
Saturn has also been 'sitting on' my Sun - visualize it - can you get the picture? So as well as all the enormous changes happening to us as a collective - there have been very heavy and intense changes happening within me.
Astrology is an amazing tool - to help us navigate thru these changing tides and any challenging periods in our lives. As, just as Mother Nature provides a cure for our ills - with flowers and plants - the planets also provide us with a clue - an action to take, a direction to go. They all bring their strengths to use as well as their 'wake up' calls.
So - it's unlikey that there have been many people left untouched by this intense period of time we've experienced - but there's more to come! Good thing is we've had a taste of change - it's rocked our boats, so hopefully we've build a few muscles, we've become stronger and a bit more 'realistic'. Maybe we are better equiped to deal with further changes.
'Cause in essence, as human beings - we just want to be happy, have a roof over our heads, food to eat, a safe environment and be with the people we love. We are really simple folk at heart - and we can be satisfied with simple pleasures. We've just got a bit 'off track' with our 'inflated' expectations and unrealistic world.
So i reckon there's lots of hope - as humans are pretty smart - we just need to use our brains and activate our hearts. Very important during these times to activate our hearts.
We have a choice - always - as to what we focus on. Will i focus on all my problems, all the things that are changing, what i'm missing or will i focus on all the beauty and wonder in my life, all my gifts and talents, all my loved ones - all the magnificence that's been showered on me during my life - my life itself. My life - without which nothing would exist. Am i grateful for my life? Am i grateful for each moment that comes - each breath that i take, do i understand the significance of these each and every breaths - do i understand that my existence here on earth is temporary and it will end. Do i understand that these significant breaths will one day stop and i will be no more. Do i understand what an opportunity i've been given - do i feel gratitude for this opportunity - do i use this opportunity to its maximum possibility?
We live as a collective - yet our choices are individual - only each one of us can choose life, can choose peace, can choose gratitude. Then all our individual choices will merge together to create a collective 'environment' - how stunning is our opportunity - how magnificent our power - how humbling our opportunity.
So here we are in 2009 - a period of time of which much has been surmised - what will you do in this time? What choices will you make? What opportunities will you take up? What gratitude will you express. Each one of us, alone, needs to take this journey - then and only then will the large human family transform.
Lots of love to you and may your journey be blissfully fulfilling
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