Today March 26th we're on the eve of the 1st New Moon of the Astrological New Year. In the wee hours of tomorrow morning the Sun and Moon will sit snuggly together at around 6 degrees of Aries.
Aries begins the new Astrological Year and with the New Moon this month it's a special time of fresh and new beginnings! A great time to act on those visions, implement those new ideas and get moving with that project. Now's the time to act, to get that butt off the seat and get moving! No more procrastination - time to manifest that dream, now!
Venus is doing her longer than usual stay in Aries at present - she's camped there for around 6 weeks - back and forth she goes (Retrograde), making sure she really get's her message across. For an individual account of what that means for you - check out my article on http://www.creativechangemakers.com/
So what is Venus's message for you? Better get it, as she's really putting in a lot of effort to make sure you do! When she's visiting Aries she's a lot more assertive - a lot more! No shrinking violet here - she knows what she wants and she's off to get it. Add to that the energy of the New Moon, so good vibrations abound for going after what you want NOW - get it rolling, get those creations out of your head and into the manifest. There's also a lot of creative energy around with Venus in Aries as Venus is the pure creator/ess of beauty and Aries has bucket loads of intuitive energy.
Venus also looks over the area of values - and No.1 here is how we value ourselves. The foundations of our life rest on the value we place on ourselves. So lotsa learning with Venus, which is not too hard, as she has a way of making all her intensives easy to absorb and digest!
An extra addition to this special New Moon is Pluto - he never seems to be too far away these days! In fact, he's sharing central stage with Saturn and Uranus - what a trio! My god! Well, i guess if you really want things done you call in the big guns! The New Moon is sitting at a tense angle to Pluto, creating his usual intensity. He's not letting us forget that he's around and never let's us forget what he's doing - just "destroying everything that's no use to you anymore - so you can start all over again". Well, what can i say, no use holding on is there?
In fact with all that's happening in the 'heavens' at present - there is absolutely no bloody way of holding on to anything that's outlived its usefullness, or was faulty from the outset!
So a good time to get back to basics - back to nature, back to what vibrates with living energy - real things, lasting things, sustainable things. Don't know about you, but i'm just longing to go and sit amongst the trees, feel their vibrant life, their nurturing presence and their selfless energy. Life in the cities is tuff! It takes so much energy to operate in it. But new times are a coming hopefully for all of us individually and for our dear Mother Earth.
lots of love to you all till next time
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