Friday, December 23, 2011

The ending of a very long and arduous cycle

Yes, the photo is out of focus. . . .but it felt relevant to how I'm feeling. It's been a very big year. . . .and sitting in this time of 'refocus' - as we leave one cycle and prepare for another. . . .I am feeling bone weary exhaustion!

I somehow guessed it wasn't just because of 'doing' but an energetic sense of completion. . . and I reckon I deserve to give out a great big sigh!!!  After all that's happened.

It's difficult to stay upright today. . .the weariness is so heavy. . . like all vital energy has come to a stop. . .reconfiguring and restructuring for not just any new cycle. . . .but the beginning of the infamous 2012.

I've mentioned a few times on FB that my sense of 2012 is the 'Year of Personal Power', I've noticed others have mentioned the word Power in connection to 2012 also.

With a Moon in Capricorn, I've been a bit of a late bloomer. . . . .also Sun on the IC. . . .so understanding, accepting and walking. . .with my many gifts. . .has been quite a journey.  But I'm sure everything is perfect.  'Cause being a Virgo, it would need to be right, not nearly or almost. . . .so it took 63yrs - who's counting. . .

So my sense is this weariness is like a quick revisit to everything that happened over these last 9 months. . .mammoth year really, I'm sure for all of us, in one way or another.

Next year we need to be on deck, no hiding down in the galleys - there's work to be done, there's much to share. . . .healing is now happening.

Focus is ever important. . .especially in this next cycle. . what we think, what we say. . .we create in the physical.  There's no more room for haziness, for pondering 'what is my purpose'. . .the stage is set, the drum is rolling - the curtain almost rising.

So we've been given a year to understand our self, to see below the veneer. . . what have you seen, what have you learnt - do you have the courage to put it into practise.

For me. . . .there is no alternative. . . .personal power is pretty powerful. .

So sitting still today and resting. . .leave others to fend for themselves. . .this is my life, my healing, my beginning. . . .there is nothing more important.

Cause it's only then that we can share our bounty. . . .

much love to you all and may the manifestation of your personal power. . .be simply glorious. . . .

much love

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