Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Relaxing times

Another beautiful day on Mother Earth!
This morning we share the abundance of our beautiful Moon's Full Moon energy.
Did you see her last night? Such a spectacular sight!
Radiating her fullness in the constellation of Aries - she showers energy and enthusiasm. She is no shrinking violet in Aries - as tender and nurturing as she is, she know what she wants here and will actively pursue it!
What is it that you want and how will you pursue it? The energy is available to you now to make those moves. The energy of Aries and his ruling planet Mars is active, very active. He's adventurous too and loves to have fun. He exudes an energy of child like enthusiasm and loves to make things happen! Where do you feel your energy is at the moment, where in your body does it make its present felt? How do you hold your energy, how do you express it, how do you save it?
This Full Moon can help you understand your energy needs. The Moon's energy has a lot to do with our needs, what we need to feel comfortable, where we naturally gravitate and what we need to feel secure. So with the Moon in her fullest manifestation and radiating the potent energy of Aries - our energy needs are are in view!
We expend our energy in various ways through our body, various ways through our emotions and various ways through our mental process. We are expending energy constantly. In Chinese Medicine ways of thinking we come into this world with a certain ammount of energy or chi - this is influenced by our parents, genetic influences etc. So it's as if we come with a certain container full of this stuff! And then we start to use it throughout our life. Bit by bit we empty the container - we revitalize and replace some of this used energy, replacing it back into the container. But some energy is lost and not replaced - this is affected by our life styles, our eating habits and our general state of physical, emotional and mental health. So energy is vital to our existence - without it we cannot exist! So how do we use our energy? How do we conserve it? How do we spend it?
Everything in this life is created from energy - behind every form is energy - energy is the life force behind all of creation. So this Full Moon is particularly significant because how we use our energy effects everything in our life - every part of our life here on earth. How we maintain and care for our energy is very important to our survival individually and collectively.
I started this article looking for a picture that 'jumped out' at me. I went through many, none seeming to have a significant connection to the present Full Moon energy. I kept being attracted to the many beach scenes I've taken photos of over the years - I love the ocean. My mental chatter kept 'advising' me that the beach had nothing to do with the energy of the Full Moon in Aries! That mental chatter can be a real trickster at times! Of course the ocean and beach speaks an energetic language to me - it reminds me of how I replenished my energy, how I soothed my energy, how I fed my energy and how I relaxed my energy. The beach to me is all about energy! It restores my energy in a way nothing else does. Nature does that for me constantly - but it seems when I've allowed my energy to deplete to a dangerous level - the ocean's medicine is powerfully and instantly effective. So for me this beautiful Moon is showing me, vividly, where the level of my 'container' sits - is it normal, below normal or in the 'dangerous zone', so very, very kind is our dear Mother Nature always there for us, constantly communicating with us, her sole purpose, for us to survive here on Mother Earth. She puts up the mirror so we can see ourselves and she quietens us so we can hear our inner voice - our inner knowing and wisdom that always knows what we need to do to be safe and well.
Each sign of the zodiac shares a 'line' of existence with another sign - Aries shares the space with Libra. So Libra's influence will also be present with this Full Moon. Libra's charm and grace, her love of beauty and harmony, her diplomacy and tact and her focus on relationships.
So how will we instigate the individual energy available to us? Will we use it with harmony and grace, beauty and harmony with consideration for the 'other'? Will we think of 'us' not just 'me'? Will we use this precious energy of life to create a healthy and complete 'I' to work withing a sharing, caring and harmonious 'us'?
As always we have choice, we have this magnificent life for such a short time, leaving day by day. How do we choose to use our predious energy, how will we care for this precious energy - how will be care for ourselves? How will we care for our communities? How will we care for our World - our Mother Earth? It all comes back to our dear friend Aries support in how will we care for ourself? From that all else can occur.
Emerse yourself deeply in Mother Natures abundantly giving nature - use the gifts she so generously showers to be happy, healthy and internally fulfilled.
May the bounty of life complete you!

Don't forget the powerfully effective Deva-line Flower Essences are still available as well as Astrology Readings by contacting me on 0413 442 808 (Australia) or emaill

lots of love

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

October has arrived

"Flinders Ranges" by Lina Eve

with thanks

hi! Before beginning this months 'meanderings' I was reading over last months entry and what a surprise! My initial 'impulse' was just to get straight into this months without reflection on what has transpired. Words caught my eye as i moved along the lines -"responsiblity, manifestation of goals, stability of focus, planned goals and action, step by step clear strategy, focused intention and orderly progression". There were even more! "Precise and ordered steps, 'bum to seat', practical application, discipline and focus, self control and concentration".

These were words i used to describe the energies the September New Moon made available - in her Virgo and Saturn environment.

Looking now at that 'possibility' and what has transpired for me over these last few days is simply 'right on!'. It was if the words came to life and acted out their plan in such an unexpected way! Simply amazing!

I stand here now seeing the rewards of my actions - seeing the manifestation of my intentions - so very exciting! So worlds apart from just the intellectual 'knowing'. Positive and constructive change is possible it just requires our focus, intention, 'learning' and application/action.

It's particularly exciting for me to see the gifts, the potentials, the energy of our most beautiful, mystical Moon - and see them manifest.

Such a powerful source of life and nurturance surrounds us - our Mother Earth, Dear Mother Gaia - may we be open to the gifts and abundance she showers on us. Thank you dear Mother Gaia and may we learn fast the lessons before us - may we respect and honour you. The Creative Energy/Source of Life gave us life, the most precious of precious gifts and you have given us a home to live this life - we pray that we can honour this and soon!

Well - another New Moon slipped by - the Libra New Moon on September 29th. A pervading energy of beauty and relationship, encouraging us to focus our goals and become aware of our intentions. A great time for networking and relating - for focusing in on the most significant relationship, the relationship with ourself! A time for noticing what may be out of balance in our way of relating with others and with ourself. How can we better love another - how can we better love ourself?

Also issues of fairness and inequity will come to light, a time for balancing the scales. Also a time of love, peace and justice - how can we re-establish this in our communities, on our earth?

It's Venus time - Aphrodite will be present - her energy easier to perceive. Do you give her voice in your life? Do you allow her to manifest? How can you see the world through her eyes? Beauty and harmony, how can you embellish yourself in her robes?

The Libra/Aries polarity brings the focus of 'you versus me' - how can we accomodate you and me - space and time for us both. Not one over the other but 2 together - 'win win' for all.

Writing these 'words' - feeling and observing the beautiful energy of this New Moon - i see her manifestation in my life - so seemingly magickly! During the short week since she shone her magick - again these words have come alive and acted out my life's intentions. Is there just an incredible amount of magick around at present or am i just waking up - i suspect both!

With the constant magick that occurs in my life i'm always left with the same overwhelming sensation - the feeling of gratitude - for my precious life, my precious learnings, the incredible ones who guide and teach me and the divine divinity of this life. Again i am left humbled with that most magnificent feeling of gratitude pervading me - thank you, thank you for everything i am given.

Well i wish for you to stay awakened to the incredibleness that surrounds you and just keep taking those steps towards your greatness (inside you all the time).

lots of love to you all


Monday, September 1, 2008

September has arrived!

September has arrived!
Thousands of tiny buds are bursting to explode with exhilarating life, magnificent colour, tantalizing aroma and forceful exuberance!
Spring is in the air - even here in Adelaide - albietly a little hesistantly - hiding behind clouds, confusing with wind and rain - but the buds won't be fooled! 'We're ready' 'and we won't be delayed'. 'This is our time' ' a time of joy, enthusiasm and growth' 'Time to celebrate the glory of life' 'here we come!'
I just love this time of year - it's my birthday month and being born in the mountains in Springtime - its beauty and symbolism have shaped me.
I've been gazing longingly at the beautiful Mt Lyndsay (photo above) which towers near my favourite little town of Woodenbong. I placed it on my desktop only recently and have absorbed it's beauty each time i open my computer.
The energy of the mountains has always lured me - called me. I hear their call, their song - i feel their stability, their nurturance and protection. I long to live near them - i will soon.
NEW MOON in Virgo August 31st 6am
The New Moon almost slipped by without my awareness of it - a Virgo one too! Well i guess Virgo can be pretty quiet at times, working away in the background. But i rarely miss a New Moon - so involved with the happenings of the time, i almost missed it! And what were those 'happenings' - body issues / health and service - right on!
Even though not consciously aware of her - there she was working away - colouring my thoughts and guiding my intentions.
Checking my journal entry at the time of the New Moon, her influence was obvious.
A "Fairy Moon" is often used to describe the 2nd New Moon in month - or a "Black Moon" - i prefer a Fairy Moon - most apt!
Jan Spiller refers to it as a "Power Day" - an opportunity not to be missed for making our wishes, focusing directly on our goals and the experiences you'd like to have manifest. And because our lovely Virgo cradles this Moon it's an excellent time for new starts in creating order.
Jan suggests that you hand write 10 wishes - this is best around the day before the New Moon and up to 2 days after - obviously the closer the better!
So it's a great time to move forward and begin projects you've been thinking of - follow your impulses and allow yourself the time and space to create new starts in areas that are important to you.
Focus your impulses and move forward.
Our dear friend Saturn sits close to our lovely Virgo Moon - his energy ever present. Saturn brings responsibility - thus emphasising 'Responsible manifestation of goals', 'getting down to work in a quiet, straightforward manner'.
We learn many things by practicing with focus and self-discipline - both Saturn's gifts - also self-control and concentration.
So Virgo and Saturn bring stability and focus - planned goals and action -step by step clear strategy, focused intention and orderly progression.
Thank you dear Virgo and Mr Saturn for your kind assistance.
Thank you Mother Nature for your continuing nurturance and to the Creative Energy for making it all possible.
A New Moon is a great time for having a personal Flower Essence created for you - Deva-line Flower Essences are here to help - email me
to order some.
Flower Essences are powerfully transformative and divinely orchestrated. Containing the raw potency of Mother Nature's healing energy - they work in a very real way in our bodies - gently realigning our thoughts and thus our emotions - all of which affect our physical.
So a New Moon is a perfect time to use the potent energy of the Flower
Essence - i've seem them work wonders.
I will attempt to put the Deva-line Flower Essence brochure onto this page - see how it goes (still finding my way around this site).
If not successful i can always email one to you.
Also - Astro readings are available - in person only in Adelaide, by email or post, written or recorded on CD.
Other modalities are also available in Adelaide.
Well bye for now and enjoy the delicacy of this beautiful Virgo Moon - let her assist you (what she loves to do) with your steps in manifesting your hearts desires and intention - let her show you the precise and ordered steps, the 'bum to seat', the practical application. And let dear Saturn teach you how to access the discipline and focus, the self control and concentration - so needed to manifest our dreams.
love to you all

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Many thanks to Lina Eva for her beautiful painting (check her out on line).
Another beautiful day - to experience life, enjoy the bounty of dear Mother Nature and be caressed by our amazingly rhythmic breath.
To focus on the beauty, the bounty and the abundance - is where it feels good. The other - is not my friend - in fact, it robs me constantly of my peace.
So much beauty surrounds us - everywhere i look, i can see it. I need to be forever on guard for that thief, clothed in oh so familiar garb, i get tricked.
But there's no time for anything which doesn't vibrate with the highest vibration - all else is death and decay.
Sometimes - wanting to be 'polite' or 'friendly' we can be deceived - be alert dear human! Your time is short, and you have no 'spare' time to waste on this misery disguised as discussion. Protect your precious aura of divine life. Choose where your energy goes - shelter your heart, guard it jealously.
Time is short - we are here for such a tiny length of time - and the moments are ticking by. And - we're surrounded by and encased in such majestic splendour - all the time. That's what i want to experience in my life - i won't accept anything less - that's my birthright - that's why i came - to this earth - to experience the highest vibration - the pure experience of life.
So we are surrounded by so many vibrations - that come from near and far away. How do we protect ourselves from these vibrations - how do we protect our precious energy - we need to find that out - educate and inform ourselves - find out! Because it's our life - each and everyone of our lives - ebbing by with every moment.
The time is now - not tomorrow or the day after - only today can we do it.
Still cold down here in Adelaide - miss those sunny Qld days - but the quest continues.
lots of love to you all

Friday, August 1, 2008


Well - bl. . .dy intense energies today!
Tonight at around 8.15 pm the New Moon and total Solar Eclipse occurs. The energies are very strong at the moment so hold yourself close to yourself.

I can feel it strongly in my Solar Plexus centre - it's having quite an impact on my body.
Mars now in Virgo and Uranus still in Pisces are coming in for a showdown. They are approaching an opposition - that is, both sitting at opposite ends of the room projecting their energies with full force - to each other. A showdown, a meltdown or a dance? Which will it be?
Both Mars and Uranus have very 'active' energy - they both like to move things, create action, change and advancement. They can also both be very intent on getting their way - anything starting to sound familiar?
I know it is with me. This morning, my usual 'diplomatic and sensitive nature' erupted - I felt so angry that I wanted to change things with 'force'. Not a good space for people to be around.
I can still feel it simmering in my stomach - poor old stomach suffers for our inablities to express our anger and frustrations.
What we try to avoid with our mind and personality - our body gets full force.

Be very careful on the roads at present - this Mars and Uranus energy can ignite sudden and radical release of tension. I guess the thing is that the tension does need to be released - we do need to face our feelings, our frustrations and find a solution - give them voice in a more conscious way. Anything bottled usually explodes. And under this kind of energy, coupled with the extreme intensity of the Eclipse - we don't want explosions, do we?

We may feel an extreme urge for freedom and transformation. We just need to change things NOW - some issues cannot continue any longer - the time has come! Resisting and ignoring these urges does nothing it just means that all the 'changes' will come at us from the 'outside' - seemingly, 'out of our control'.

So let's be proactive - be the change, make the change and do it NOW - otherwise it's going to be more painful as it appears to 'accidently' happen to us.

So, as well as, expressing my frustrations and finding appropriate solutions for them - some healthy physical exercise will really help to burn off this extremely forceful energy.
Also screaming can help - as long as you don't freak out the neighbours - that's what i did this morning - kept the volume down thou - but i just wanted to roar with frustation - 'get rid of all this sh. . . t now!!!' I wanted to express.

I so often full into the trap of wanting to be 'nice' and not confronting an issue head on, or i approach ever so tentatively - so then it boils away in side and then along come Mars and Uranus and out it comes! Good really eh! It's most definately better out that in - as long as we always respect another persons space and safety.

So if you have already had an Astrological chart done - see where your natal Mars and Uranus are sitting - those will be hot spots for you at the moment. Also if you have any planets at 9 degrees Leo or Aquarius this New Moon Eclipse will be affecting you directly.
New Moon Eclipse - time to purge, purify and release and the time is NOW!
Only with the 'past' removed can the 'future' find a space to manifest through the 'now'.
To quote Astrologer Kelley Surtees
"What will you empty, literally or figuratively to create more space for creation in your life?"

So again, be very careful on the roads, find a space where you can let it rip - scream, sing, chant - get that energy out from deep within your Solar centre, through your Throat centre - freed into the air, to be transformed.

Don't forget - it is also a New Moon - which means the beginning of a new cycle - what needs to be released to allow the healthy unfoldment of this precious new cycle for you? What is dead and decayed - what needs to be thrown away, into the recylce, compost or just the old bin! Get rid of it - feels like my mantra of the time - JUST GET RID OF IT!

Only allow life and love, health and growth, today not tomorrow, now not yesterday - into your next cycle of life. This is your life, my life - each moment moving so gently by, never to return - what are we waiting for?

'Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today ' - a precious quote - one i'd love to remember every moment, every second of my life. Because one day our life will be over - and there will be no more 'todays' no more opportunities to experience the majesty of life, growth and awareness.
Time is very, very precious indeed - we cannot waste a second.

So - in the vibration of this very intense energy of today - i will direct my life consciously and with purpose - i will honour it and give thanks for it.

may the transformations available to you in this cycle manifest into reality.

lots of love to you all

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Have arrived - am now sitting at the bottom of Oz. It's colder down here and not so much sun - new vibrations, different energies.
The first 3 days in my 'new place' was, as is often, different from what i expected. I guess i was hoping to leave 'myself' behind and just chill out, spending my time 'in a new space'.
Well - the best laid plans.

I guess it's impossible to leave ourselves behind - we go wherever we go. Even when a major 'rebooting' is occurring. I thought i could just leave 'the healer' behind and become a mum and writer. But there's always a process - from one space to another.

Writing hasn't been as easy as im used to - it's like i'm 'rebooting', programming my new space within me - feels a little weird. 'Cause can't just grab all the old familiar things - everythings moving, nothing is settled.
I thought this was just happening to me - but after reading on line this morning - i see it's familiar to others as well.
Karen - at - had some really interesting things to say.

"Allow yourself time for you - have a willingness to no longer make anything happen on it's own without you needing to be at the helm. We are rebooting - as well as getting ready for the next stage."

"The beating down of our old wall within and without which occurred over the past several weeks had a very distinctive purpose."

So Marilyn be patient and conscious.

Clarity has also accompanied me whilst entering my new environment.
It's so important what we surround ourselves with as everything contains energy - an energy field surrounds everything and is constantly communicating with us.

I was reminded - entering this new environment - just how acute my sensitivity to energy is. Particularly in times of immense change and transformation, we need to consciously choose the energy we want around us - as it directly impacts on us, whether we're conscious of it or not.

Get rid of all that clutter - it's making you sick and blocking your path.
Only keep around you those things that you really love - get rid of everything that's broken or no longer used. Create a brand new space for yourself - within this miracles can occur.
It's not always easy to let go - but what are we holding on to?
Time to clear the decks - a new time is upon us - a new 'me' is emerging - the old is crumbling, the new is birthing. No room for inconsequentials, death or disease - only life, awareness and consciousness.

We have a choice - we can choose our life, our environment (at least at present here in Oz), our reality - we can choose how we'll exist, what we'll do and what we believe.
We have choice - we can choose to be a conscious, healthy, awake human being - who lives to promote life, consciousness, peace and beauty.

How fortunate we are.

lotsa luv to you all

Monday, July 14, 2008

Almost ready to depart on first leg of journey to Adelaide

tomorrow is departure day - first stop Tamworth, i've heard the YHA is good there.

Have been in Woodenbong for almost a week - lots of rejuvenation time needed after the major moves from Ipswich. Woodenbong's energy is healing - thus it's taken me a while to get going.

Planning 3 overnights - arriving in Adelaide Hills Friday after lunch.

Feeling a little tentative about the journey - but once i'm on the road, it'll all unfold - will just keep all the 'little folk' surrounding me.

Magick Moments for Marilyn are continuing.

I've left many Magick Moments behind but many are before me.

Love to all my Many Magick Moments friends in Queensland - we will meet again one day.

lotsa luv