The planet Neptune is sitting at 25 degrees in the constellation of Aquarius - the same place as when it was first discovered in 1846. When a planet completes it's journey through all the constellations and returns to the same place, in this case it's place of discovery, in Astrological terms this is known as a Return.
Neptune being one of the outer planets of our solar system - travels slowly (from our perspective anyway!) - it's taken him 263 yrs to complete his journey. Neptune is 30 times further from the Sun than Earth.
Neptune rules the Zodiac sign Pisces - so it's not surprising that at the time of his discovery both Ether/anaesthetic and Photography appeared. Also significant contributions from both Darwin and Marx.
Neptune particularly influences fashion and music! So whatever constellations Neptune is visiting will influence both of these considerably. It's easy to track fashion cycles - just look at the sign Neptune was in at the time. Music, like fashion, is also influenced by this giant mass.
Neptune has the reputation for being evasive - or is he just hard to see clearly. Often surrounded by mist or fog - his contribution is not always obvious. With Neptune you need to 'feel' - he's not so easy to 'see'. In fact Neptune is all feel - he's the master teacher in that realm - he doesn't have another way of operating - he's all about 'flow'. Like the ocean, which he is linked - Neptune King of the Sea - he moves in rhythm to natures cycles. His sensitivity is extraordinary, he needs this to sense the mood, hear the rhythm and move with the cycle. He operates in the element of water - which flows. Water can be a powerful force- and faced with it's power, surrender is often the only recourse. He connects with the abundance of water within our bodies - they communicate, no words are needed. We sense, we intuit, we know, without having to be told - such is his ability to communicate and our ability to 'hear'.
Neptune also rules over the domains of artistic expression and the healing arts - both so dependent on intuiting, feeling and sensing.
So Neptune has returned what can that mean for us? In the Astrological Natal Chart a return is quite significant - particularly those of the outer, slow moving planets. During a period of Return we are often reminded of something, often forgotten in our busy scramble ahead. Reminded of something we knew was important in our life but put aside because there just wasn't enough time! When the planet returns to it's natal placement it brings back the energy of that placement - and we are reminded. Depending on the planet and it's placement this may not always be easy, but necessary for our way forward. This is often the case with the Returns of Saturn.
For me, I sense that Neptune's Return makes him more powerful, easier to be feel. Neptune is also connected to our desire to escape, to avoid - so maybe a time to see more clearly how we create situations that anesthetize us, so we can escape from our unconscious pains. Also an amazing time of creativity - maybe new awareness into healing with sound. The oceans and our waterways will also be more in focus. And in this time of transformative healing of the earth - possibly more storms and high tides.
But for me, I want to tune into him more - easy to ignore Neptune, or try to anyway - as he makes us feel so damn sensitive, it hurts! But sensitivity is the vehicle to explore his oceanic realms, his far away lands, his deepest mysteries.
Neptune's been a close companion of mine during my lifetime - I've feared him, tried to block him out, ignored him (or tried to), and plain refused to believe he existed. But that didn't change anything - just prolonged the desire to escape! He's powerful Neptune, but in a way that seems so diffused, so untouchable, so evasive, so hidden. But you have to feel with all your being - you see you can only feel him - your head is of absolutely no use here - I've tried it, I keep trying it - it's simply useless. Neptune has his own unique pathway and once you find it and have the faith in yourself to follow it - magickal realms of incredible beauty await you.
It's Neptune time - may you discover his etheral beauty and divine healing.
lotsa luv
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