Are you feeling it? Are you feeling it? I’m sure you are, just what is happening on this planet of ours???
Well it’s been a pretty full on time! The big Solstice event on June 23rd was potently aspected! The energy of two of the heavy weights Uranus and Pluto challenged this event – Uranus squaring both the Sun and Moon and Pluto opposing them. These planets impart powerful energies of change, revolution, innovation, death, rebirth and power. A potent brew!
The day after this great event – there was a New Moon – a significant time of new beginnings! Pluto – the harbinger of power, death and rebirth – opposed this New Moon.
Beautiful, loving Venus and creative, active Mars snuggling together in Taurus has been a welcomed relief. A sense and need to comfort and nurture ourself, has been somehow easier to feel – thank god! – so needed during these trying times.
The big Chiron, Neptune and Jupiter cha, cha, cha – is moving things in huge ways – can you feel your awareness moving at lightening speed? I sure can, sometimes I just want to say ‘stop!!!!!! Give me some peace for a while. . . . .please!!!!’ Where’s the stop button! ‘Do I have to feel everything???"
Openings created by Neptune and Chiron can be stressful! This would be a good time to seek out your favourite therapist, particularly modalities that can realign the energy fields, which are being powerfully transformed and reshaped as we speak!
Well, these are big times – and big methods are needed! We really don’t like to be woken up do we? We much rather get all cosy on the couch in front of the fire, watching our favourite movie or reading our favourite book, warm drink in hand. Safe away from the troubles of the world – ‘just leave me here please!!’
But alas – this is not the time. Time for hiding away has gone – nowhere to hide, it’ll come and get you wherever you are.
But if you’re a good girl/boy and pay attention, step forward and act – then you can have your cosy times on the couch in front of the fire (we need those) – but not as an escape! ‘Cause you’re never going to be able to forget – ‘they’ are never going to let us forget what’s happening and what we need to do.
This is 2009 – I remember watching cartoons that depicted these times – cars flying through the air, people dressed in space gear. I have lived through the ‘50’s, ‘60’s, ‘70’s, ‘80’s’, ‘90’s’ and now here in 2009. Things may not have changed as we projected, on the outside – but on the inside – things are really flying! Awareness is flying, understanding is awakening and the community of the world is communicating.
These are very big times indeed.
The energy surrounding the Solstice sets the energy for the 3mth period ahead. The energy contributed by the big boys Uranus and Pluto at the Solstice event created a powerful and portentous (borrowed this from Babula, great word!) start to the new season. Portentous means solemn, ominous, alarming, significant, threatening, crucial and menacing.
To quote Babula (lovely Astrologer from Qld) ‘stay tuned as there will be more major world events coming in the coming weeks’
I remember having a peak at the New Year chart – on Jan 1st this year. I remember it, as normally I’m an optimistic type who usually looks for the strengths and positives – but looking at this chart I got the shivers, and felt an ominous sense. I couldn’t help but feel that things were going to be difficult this year.
And I sense that this is just the beginning – there is more to unfold. A lot of people are aware that the way we’ve structured our social systems simply isn’t working. And anything that’s not working eventually breaks down.
Things aren’t working in big ways – so a major overhaul appears to be before us. Major overhauls take a lot – a lot of patience, a lot of awareness, a lot of realness, a lot of understanding and a lot of courage.
These big fellows up in our Solar System are not just doing ‘their thing’ – we are all connected. They effect us and we effect them.
These are major transformational times and it is not a question of can we change but how will we change – change is a necessity not an option. The sooner we realise this, the easier it will become.
In just a few months Saturn, the taskmaster of hard work, discipline, focus and ‘building from the base’ strongly challenges Pluto, the bringer of death, rebirth and renewal of power. This is a huge combination with portentous (that word again) possibilities.
This aspect continues through 2010 following this in 2011 – Uranus squares (challenges) Pluto as well.
Adding to this potent brew we have arrived in an Eclipse period – two is July and one in early August. Eclipses are also potent times – they bring change (not that word again!), endings and beginnings for the world at large. They have a particular significance for those people who have planets at the same degrees of the Eclipse. The Lunar Eclipse on June 7th is at 15 degrees Capricorn (smack bang on my Moon, I’ll keep you in touch!) – the Total Solar Eclipse on July 22nd is at 29 degrees Cancer – and the Lunar Eclipse on August 6th is at 13 degrees Aquarius.
Eclipse energy can last over a period of 6 months – sometimes for years. So to have all this powerfully potent energy happening all around the same time – is significant indeed. We are already seeing some of the consequences. But hold your hats guys – there’s more on the way.
So dear fellow citizens of earth – choice of change we do not have – this is going to happen regardless – so the choice we do have now is – are we going to be a part of this change or are we going to resist it? Resisting the flow is always much more painful – energy likes to go with the flow, in this way it has much more strength (martial arts) and more power.
So from my protected little space – so warm and cosy, our very graced lives here in the land of Oz (for a lot of us anyway) – how can I contribute, how can I be a part of this incredible, spectacular event which is happening NOW – before our very eyes.
These are big time indeed – and require big people, big individuals to open their minds, open their heart to things we could never have dreamt of.
Consciously focus your time – lovingly structure your life – have fun and enjoy ever moment – ‘cause they never return.
So this month’s message for all the different ‘signs’ of the Zodiac is;
"This is a universal message and sent to each of you – ‘go into your heart, rest in your love – listen to your answer when you ask ‘what can I do now to be a part of the healing of this Earth? Within that, I’m sure you’ll find your own healing’
Have a great month!
lotsa luv
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