Monday, July 13, 2009

Soul Searching

It's been nearly a week since the Full Moon Eclipse. I mentioned that i'd keep you in touch with 'events' from the Full Moon Eclipse's conjunction of my natal (birth placement) Moon.

Predictions are tricky things - and most Astrologers will admit to that. It's possible, and easy for some, to understand the possible dynamics created by the relationships between our neighbouring planets - but how that will actually unfold for the individual, or country etc, is near impossible to accurately predict. Although saying that - a lot of Astrologers were 'spot on' with predictions regarding the cataclysmic changes facing our economic system.

But personal predictions, i personally, steer clear of. How certain energy patterns are going to unfold is almost impossible to know, before hand anyway. Certainly somethings can be 'sensed', visions of future events are possible for some. Astrological techniques and a psychic 'sense' combined can be an impressive tool for future gazing. But not all Astrologers are psychic or psychics Astrologers.

Anyway, back to the Full Moon Eclipse conjuncting (sitting on) my Moon. The degree was exact, it caught my attention, i figured some effect would become evident.

The Moon rules over our emotions, our instincts, our home, our family, our fluids, our ancestry (particularly maternal), our receptivity, our psychic sense and our deepest needs - what we need to feel comfortable and safe. It has quite an impact on us, the Moon, as she does on our planet Earth. My natal Moon sits in the 8th house (Astro chart) - a house of deep, deep vibrations. An energy of deep union, the support of others, death and rebirth - transformation, and the deepest of deepest psychic connections with others. The 8th house is Scorpio's house - everything there is deep! What lies beneath the surface of things, no superficiality here, but the bare basic truths, ensconced in a rich tapestry of emotion.

So what happened? Like most things it took a while to unfold, or for me to notice. So used to walking in a sleep, unaware of the energetic movements within me. It started in true Virgo fashion - yes you're right - the body. Horrible, horrible headaches for nearly three days followed by the most uncomfortable indigestion. Well, i know that Virgo's weak spot is digestion and it doesn't take much to upset it. My partner would often draw my attention to my hand on my stomach - he knew immediately that i wasn't happy!

But this time, the upset was big - and as usual, my conscious mind had no idea what was happening. I hadn't had that kinda tummy upset for years!!! It's still happening (off to the Naturopath on Wednesday). Tried to focus on what 'i should be' doing - ie work etc - but very little energy, strength or motivation for it. What was/is happening wants my full attention. A Flower Essence i thought! I forget - and i make Flower Essences!!!!!!! Is there any hope!!!!! I can be quick to make one for someone else, but myself. . . . . i just forget, or do I? Or is it more like i don't think i'm worth the time! Sounds drastic, doesn't it, but do we really lose the love of ourselves so readily! Is the harsh conditioning and weathering of our life on earth, so damaging? But thank god there's hope - more than hope, we learn, we grow, we evolve and the longing to do so, if kept alive and flourishing, carries us to further flowering - of the divine beauty of our true self.

So made the Flower Essence - only 3 essences came to the fore - Wedding Bush, Greek Basil and Pink Poppy. At first glance thought - well, fairly concentrated, only 3 - about relationship with self, family karma, visions and obsessive, addictive behaviours.

I started taking them - and as always, with the Flower Essences, something 'magickal'' occurs. I feel it in my entire system - they move somehow (Meridians) through the body system, focusing gentle light on areas in need of healing. And they begin their work, of bathing and caressing - restoring to energetic balance. This can be felt - it amazes me!

I make them - or more correctly, i have the incredible gift of being a communicator for them (the Flower Deva) - yet it never stops amazing me how extraordinary they are. They can bring about an altered energetic state that lets me see what the 'problem' is, what is holding me back, what i'm still carrying. 'Cause we carry it all, in energetic form, until it's released, forgiven, let go of.

The Deva-line Flower Essence Brochure in on the
for further descriptions.

I went back to the brochure to look again at the meaning of the essences in my new blend. As their gentle energy was with me, i could feel them doing their work - so powerful is our Mother Gaia and her superlative gifts. It feels like gentle waves gently moving through my body, lighting, focusing, clearing, nurturing and re-orienting the focal points of imbalance.

Wedding Bush connects us with our relationships - our relationships with others, ourselves, our bodies, our communities, our earth. In life we have a relationship with everything - she shows us our relationship with our self, how healthy is it? Our relationship with our self is the basis for all our relationships.

Greek Basil helps us to uncover deep family connections. For long standing wounds and healing family karma. This evolves family energetics to a higher level, enabling a celebration of unity and growth. Uncovers the true, vibrant family essence.

Pink Poppy be flexible and go with the 'wind', uncovering the gift of visionary site, bringing dreams and visions of healing. Helps us to see what needs healing in our self, to 'see' beyond the obsessive, compulsive and addictive behaviours to what we really need and crave.

I could feel and see the 'uncovering' of the picture - deep and fathomless as it may be, steps were being taken to heal it.

A reminder, once again, that all that needs healing is within me - not in another. Only through the healing of my own loss of self love will any interaction outside of me change. Another Flower Essence that initially came up in the reading, but was not a priority for now ( pendulum) - was White Rose - the picture was becoming clear.

White Rose experiencing the lessons of unconditional love, we learn the alchemical process of attraction. Where the greatest transformation comes from changing one's own vibration. What we are is what we attract. Helps with clarity in matters of the heart, showing that only by changing our own vibration can we attract new and different experiences and people into our life.

That i 'stumbled' across the Flower Essence and the knowledge 'remembered' for creating them - has been, and is, a wonderful and cherished gift in my life. Flower Essences work in a very real way - so gently yet so focused in clarity, combining the innate wisdom of the body systems with the natural genius and love of Mother Nature.

So yes, the Eclipse did have a big impact on me - i'm still working with it, with the help of the Flower Essences, willing (albeitly indirectly at times) to face the truth - without which forward evolution and full participation in life is not possible.

much love to you all


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